Why we choose the name Meerval for our ship

This time a personal story, by a question from someone. I don't mind sharing my personal story, in fact I hope that other people who ever face such a decision don't wait (too long) just like me. You never know how much time there is.....

My parents separated when I was 2 years old. In my youth that was still special, I was the only one in my class with divorced parents. I think you are now one of the few with parents who have been married for a long time. But that wasn't the point. My father w

gaike's Recent Blog Posts

Yes, you read that right, I always blog about water and a ship, but I want to tell you that we are going to expand our trips with camper adventures! I continue to blog about our life on board, water…
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This is a blogpost about living in the winter at our ship, we are sailing to our mooringplace in Lemmer
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This is a blogpost about living in the winter at our ship....
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This is a blogpost about mooring our ship, where do we live? @TagList list:boatlovers
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You may remember our blog about replacing the old aluminum windows. We took on this project - replacing our old windows with new ones. This wasn't a one-day job, but the result is definitely…
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