
Welcome to the official 1st edition of Writers Without Walls Publication. Which you can access and share across three different platforms.

Obviously, here on Zirkels

Also, here on Medium

And here on Substack

A couple of quick but exciting announcements.

** First, as you would have read in our introductory issue, JD was releasing his short stories on Readl. He has since been invited to be a guest speaker on their Twitter space this coming week, possibly the week after if a suitable time

jdarmstrong's Recent Blog Posts

Welcome, writer fam, to the latest edition of our Newsication. So what is Writers Without Walls? What are we about? This sums it up currently, with more to come as we grow. Writers Without…
1 year ago
Hold onto your pens, writing folks! Artificial Intelligence, aka AI, has been creating quite the ruckus in our community. While this tech wizardry has us on tenterhooks, it's also flinging a…
1 year ago
Are you feeling down, stressed out, and overwhelmed? Do you sometimes feel like you just can't cope? Well, this guide is here to help! Mental health is something that unfortunately all too many…
1 year ago
Are you feeling down, stressed out, and overwhelmed? Do you sometimes feel like you just can't cope? Well, this guide is here to help! Mental health is something that unfortunately all too many…
1 year ago
Welcome, writer fam, to the latest edition of our Newsication. (Newsication? What the hell is that? I hear you ask. Check out Issue #002) We are currently working on a new logo, as the quality of the…
1 year ago