I feel like now I can talk about that day. I’ve processed the trauma, and we are leaving the location where IT happened. But first, I’d like to take you back to before Bob. So if you don’t know about Bob, you can catch up here.
I also feel I did Bob an injustice in describing his sheer size. I said he was half my foot. I’m talking heel-to-toe. His legs dangled casually on either side of my foot. His width at a relaxed state was easily 15cm (6 inches roughly) from Head to tail? Approxima
I also feel I did Bob an injustice in describing his sheer size. I said he was half my foot. I’m talking heel-to-toe. His legs dangled casually on either side of my foot. His width at a relaxed state was easily 15cm (6 inches roughly) from Head to tail? Approxima