Say Hello to OptionTrack: The Game-Changer in Options Trading Tracking

Let me introduce you to something that's going to revolutionize the way you track your trades. It's called OptionTrack

leovandeveer's Recent Blog Posts

It's like ordering a burger and getting fries on the side. When you invest, you're essentially trading a bit of risk for the chance of a of a juicy return.
11 months ago
I'm going to share with you a little secret. It's a strategy that's as chill as a cucumber, yet as effective as a well-oiled machine. I call it the Laid Back Covered Calls Strategy
11 months ago
Now, before you get any funny ideas, let's clarify that we're talking about a type of options trading strategy. And whether, or not you wear clothes is entirely up to you.
11 months ago
Let's talk about a topic that's as exciting as it is misunderstood: options trading using PUTs and CALLS.
11 months ago
Now, I know what you're thinking. "Compounding interest? Isn't that just some boring financial term?" My grandma talked about that!
11 months ago