Do you ever just sit in a quiet environment and reflect on your life? Maybe reflect on issues that you have been facing, or decisions that you made that did not go as planned? If the answer is “No”, then I suggest you change that.
What has this world come to that a child will have food taken away because they did not have enough money to pay for a lunch at school? What ever happened to "No child left behind"?
When I come back to focus, I remembered reading a great article on Medium written by CJ Evans titled An Argument for the Productively Lazy. In this article he touched on ADHD and why people with…
Now I am going to add in another aspect that I deal with on a daily basis. Anxiety! Everyone has anxiety to a certain degree without us even realizing it. Some people have it bad enough that…
I want to shed a little light on the different types of ADHD that people present with. There are primarily three types of ADHD that people get diagnosed with.