Why do people do this?

What has this world come to that a child will have food taken away because they did not have enough money to pay for a lunch at school? What ever happened to "No child left behind"?

teamgm's Recent Blog Posts

Just in the last few days, I have seen people bashing Elon Musk, on his own platform, for his policies regarding Twitter. I have seen people bashing others for simple comments being made.
1 year ago
The one thing that we have vowed with our company is that we will not give up on the business. We may adjust and change a few things here and there, but we refuse to give up.
1 year ago
This time I want you to reflect on those around you. Your friends, acquaintances, family members, and so on. People that you deal with consistently, whether it be daily, weekly, or whenever.
1 year ago
I did this exercise the last couple of days where I just clear my mind of all thoughts and let my mind go. Whatever the first subject that pops into my head, I started thinking about that subject and…
1 year ago
My mind starts to wonder off and reflect on the things that I have done in my life. I look at all my past life lessons, the things that some people refer to as failures. I realize that I have gone…
1 year ago