While corporate jobs often feel like being stuck on a cruise ship where you can’t steer, freelancing and working on your own can feel free like a solo sailing trip.
You feel the sun on your skin, the wind in your hair, and no one to tell you which course to set.
As open seas can be unpredictable, solo sailors need to take care of their safety to not go shipwreck in the storm or get rapped in a slack.
Keep your logbook up to date
Track your expenses and income rigorously. Only with full inform
You feel the sun on your skin, the wind in your hair, and no one to tell you which course to set.
As open seas can be unpredictable, solo sailors need to take care of their safety to not go shipwreck in the storm or get rapped in a slack.
Keep your logbook up to date
Track your expenses and income rigorously. Only with full inform