News Tech: Microsoft Bans Crypto Mining on Its Online Services Without Permission Google has a similar policy in place and Amazon's AWS prohibits crypto mining during its 12-month free trial. #News - #Business #Crypto #NFT #DeFi

Tech giant Microsoft won't allow its customers to mine cryptocurrencies on its online services without prior written permission, according to a policy update that came into effect on Dec. 1. "Neither Customer, nor those that access an Online Service through Customer, may use an Online Service ... to mine cryptocurrency without Microsoft’s prior written approval," the update said. The company didn't have much explanation on the ban. However, in an update on Azure - its cloud platform - Microsoft said that crypto mining is prohibited in all online services as part of actions required to "secure the partner ecosystem." This isn't the first time a tech giant has banned crypto mining in its online platform. Google has similar policy in place – prohibiting mining without the company's prior written permission. Google said last year that most of the “malicious actors” have used compromised cloud accounts to mine crypto, and earlier in 2022 added a mining malware threat detection service for compromised accounts in its cloud service. Amazon's AWS also prohibits crypto mining for its 12-month free trial. Customers could be charged a fee if they chose to mine on AWS and may have their accounts suspended. The Microsoft ban was first reported by The Register. Earlier this year, Microsoft-owned video game Minecraft banned non-fungible tokens (NFTs) from its game to ensure "players have a safe and inclusive experience." By Aoyon Ashraf, Dec 15, 2022,

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