From the aft deck to the foredeck

Some people like to clean.
My husband is such a person, always busy with a mop or cloth, a ritual that repeats itself endlessly.
With me is clean, clean.
With him is clean, almost clean.

Usually he whistles with his mop through the gangway, by the way, he also calls me mop by my pet name. Would I be linked to a cleaning mop? I think about it while writing…

Well, so is this time. The ship was nice and clean again to go out on the lake. This allowed him to immediately start painting the last par

gaike's Recent Blog Posts

Yes, you read that right, I always blog about water and a ship, but I want to tell you that we are going to expand our trips with camper adventures! I continue to blog about our life on board, water…
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This is a blogpost about living in the winter at our ship....
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You may remember our blog about replacing the old aluminum windows. We took on this project - replacing our old windows with new ones. This wasn't a one-day job, but the result is definitely…
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