First Storm

I will start by saying I love storms. The wilder, the better. Nature's raw power on full display is breathtaking, awe-inspiring and as beautiful as terrifying, life-threatening and destructive. Spending 2 years at sea with the Australian Navy, being out on the ocean, with no land in sight, in the middle of a Cat 6 to 7 sea state, was phenomenal. Category 6 sea state we were definitely in wasn't officially called category 7. Category 6 has a wave height of 4 to 6 metres (13 to 20 feet) and i

jdarmstrong's Recent Blog Posts

As many of you are aware, I've launched my collection "Do you Dare?" on Readl with the launch of their Stories concept. What I wasn't aware of is many of you have no idea how to…
1 year ago