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jdarmstrong's Recent Blog Posts

Today was a busy day with Keegan at home, and two appointments close together time-wise but 30 min drive apart from each other. So I figured it wouldn't be a problem with how early we've…
1 year ago
I got my new toy yesterday—a Samsung smartwatch. So when SOMEONE, who shall remain nameless... Keegan. It was Keegan. When that someone wakes me, say like today, when he woke me at 6 am, by not…
1 year ago
Up and out of bed at 8 am. Getting myself organised, get my little mans Milo ready. Show on and..... 3, 2, 1... out he comes running. I think I'll have to do this every morning. I might even…
1 year ago
Yesterday afternoon I started feeling pretty flat. I had another good sleep but woke up feeling pretty much the same. Flat. 8 am I’m up; Keegan is still asleep, so I make his Milo, popping his new…
1 year ago
Today is day 14. Two weeks so far. We woke up at 9 am, and I started the usual morning routine. However, I felt as if I was moving in slow motion. I thought I’d had a good sleep, even though it was…
1 year ago