A Guide to the Political Jungle Gym: Swinging from Scandal to Satire

Forget the mundane tedium of law; we're in the era of meme-powered jury selections and high-stakes games of legislative hot potato.

jimrockford's Recent Blog Posts

April 2024 is proving particularly eventful, with Trump's legal entanglements deepening as he faces a gag order expansion in his hush money case, while his wallet takes a hit.
5 months ago
In a whirlwind of political and legal turmoil, several high-profile figures have recently found themselves at the center of heated debates and public scrutiny.
5 months ago
In this curated collection of tales, we journey through a landscape marked by divine claims, legal dramas, and star-studded soirées.
5 months ago
Imagine a circus tent, striped with the red, white, and blue, where under the Big Top, you'll witness Trump peddling patriotically bound Bibles.
5 months ago
Trump gagged, but still cheating! Welcome to a sneak peek of 2024—the stage is set, the characters are colorful, and the curtain's about to lift on an act you won't want to miss.
5 months ago