I Fact-Checked Trump for 24 Hours and My Brain Cells Committed Mass Suicide

American politics: a mess of conspiracy theories, debates, and economic illiteracy. From Trump's allies to international fact-checks, it's a tragicomedy that'll make you laugh, cry, or flee to Canada.

jimrockford's Recent Blog Posts

Herein lies a collection of tales that could make Shakespeare himself say, "Well, that escalated quickly."
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Embark on a journey through gag orders that seem more hopeful than a child's wish list to Santa and jury selections that mimic finding a sober person at Oktoberfest.
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If you ever thought law and order were about gavels slamming and justice served on a silver platter, think again.
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Meanwhile, Trump's legal team confuses Brooklyn for a game board, and his diplomatic strategy for Ukraine might just involve channeling his inner six-year-old at negotiation.
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Elon Musk proves that he's got the mind of a toddler while the rest of the world stares at an eclipse.
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