The Art of the Deal or the Fall of the King? Trump's Saga of Power, Peril, and Party Politics

Witness the high-flying acrobatics and jaw-dropping escapades of Donald J. Trump as he navigates a labyrinth of legal loops, financial fire-walking, and the political tightrope.

jimrockford's Recent Blog Posts

As Donald Trump, paraded into Manhattan Criminal Court for a hush money trial, one could imagine Melania blowing out her candles wishing for a day less fraught with embarrassment.
4 months ago
It's like tuning into a game of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, except the donkey is the constitution, and no one's blindfolded—they're just pretending to be.
4 months ago
Yesterday court was out of session, but the follies definitely didn't take a break!
4 months ago
Enter stage left, David Pecker, revealing the wizardry behind silencing stories, in a plot twist fit for a daytime drama.
4 months ago
Welcome, dear readers, to the grand unveiling of the "Rockford Files," your new go-to blog where the world of politics and government is dissected with the precision of a surgeon.
5 months ago