The Grand Buffoonery Parade: Political Puzzles and Comedic Escapades in America's Big Top

Welcome to The Rockford Files! I'm Jim and I'll be hosting this uncensored review of this weird world we call home.

jimrockford's Recent Blog Posts

As Donald Trump, paraded into Manhattan Criminal Court for a hush money trial, one could imagine Melania blowing out her candles wishing for a day less fraught with embarrassment.
4 months ago
It's like tuning into a game of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, except the donkey is the constitution, and no one's blindfolded—they're just pretending to be.
4 months ago
Yesterday court was out of session, but the follies definitely didn't take a break!
4 months ago
Enter stage left, David Pecker, revealing the wizardry behind silencing stories, in a plot twist fit for a daytime drama.
4 months ago
Welcome, dear readers, to the grand unveiling of the "Rockford Files," your new go-to blog where the world of politics and government is dissected with the precision of a surgeon.
5 months ago