The Grand Buffoonery Parade: Political Puzzles and Comedic Escapades in America's Big Top

Welcome to The Rockford Files! I'm Jim and I'll be hosting this uncensored review of this weird world we call home.

jimrockford's Recent Blog Posts

Forget prime-time TV; the real entertainment is unfolding in the courtrooms, where the plot is thicker than a mystery novel and the characters are as colorful as a neon painting.
5 months ago
Herein lies a collection of tales that could make Shakespeare himself say, "Well, that escalated quickly."
5 months ago
Embark on a journey through gag orders that seem more hopeful than a child's wish list to Santa and jury selections that mimic finding a sober person at Oktoberfest.
5 months ago
If you ever thought law and order were about gavels slamming and justice served on a silver platter, think again.
5 months ago
Meanwhile, Trump's legal team confuses Brooklyn for a game board, and his diplomatic strategy for Ukraine might just involve channeling his inner six-year-old at negotiation.
5 months ago