Creator Coin - Should you own your own/your friends' coins?
Following some drama that I noticed on chain in the last few days between new and a few OGs, I thought I should answer this primary question - Should you invest in your creator coins and more importantly should you sell it?
What is this initiative about?
Are you new to DESO or just getting started building on DESO? What questions are bothering you? Ask, and you shall get answers. I will answer each question in as much…
What is this initiative about?
Are you new to DESO or just getting started building on DESO? What questions are bothering you? Ask, and you shall get answers. I will answer each question in as much…
Here is my 4 Step Strategy to build your network here on DESO and possibly on any social platform too: Step 1: Understand the DESO AudienceStep 2: Develop a Content/Art StrategyStep 3: Engage, Engage…