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Updated [1/2/2023]

spatium's Recent Blog Posts

Now…for those interested, I’ll dive a little deeper into the technicals of how all this works.  First, I will break down how MOD books are bought in general. I won’t go into RARE because those are…
1 year ago
Surprise! We’ve got some news for you! Spatium Stories has just released a brand new feature. It is in early beta, but we are very excited about this! As of now, you can buy NFT Books on the…
1 year ago
Good afternoon, morning, or evening Spatium Stories fans! (And future fans!) Today I am happy to announce the cloud reader is up and running! As of now, any book you purchase through Spatium…
1 year ago
Let me ask you a question, do you enjoy owning your stuff? There is a lot of news right now about owning a home versus renting. Many people want to own and can’t, and many others are ok with renting…
1 year ago
Did you know that if you purchase a kindle book, you don’t actually own the book? Many don’t realize this. And many that do, don’t care. They don’t realize the negative implications of this. If you…
1 year ago