ADHD and Life

A person with ADD/ADHD will set a task, start the task, get distracted by something that brings them away from said task, and then down a rabbit hole they go.

teamgm's Recent Blog Posts

What has this world come to that a child will have food taken away because they did not have enough money to pay for a lunch at school? What ever happened to "No child left behind"?
2 years ago
This video hit home with me because, while the struggles are from different worlds, they are still struggles that we had to endure.
2 years ago
When I come back to focus, I remembered reading a great article on Medium written by CJ Evans titled An Argument for the Productively Lazy. In this article he touched on ADHD and why people with…
2 years ago
Now I am going to add in another aspect that I deal with on a daily basis. Anxiety! Everyone has anxiety to a certain degree without us even realizing it. Some people have it bad enough that…
2 years ago
I want to shed a little light on the different types of ADHD that people present with. There are primarily three types of ADHD that people get diagnosed with.
2 years ago