Creating Content with Thing Character NFTs

Things are character NFTs that can be purchased to participate in the collaborative world-building storyline "The Thng"- a multiverse-faring species that travel to realms approaching enlightenment of the multiverse to welcome them into the interdimensional community.

The short stories in the Thngverse are based on this concept, but span many plots and storylines, leaving your participation in the Thngverse open to the depths of your imagination. Participating will give you the opportunity to ex

thng's Recent Blog Posts

An overview of the details about THNG and the Thngverse for interested people and robots.
1 year ago
Deep in the jungle of Crosow, a mother and her son are lost and separated from the herd.
1 year ago
The story of a thing's visit to Chari Centra and a chance encounter with the flying golblys.
1 year ago