Web3 sees 15 new scam smart contracts an hour — Solidus Labs

The Web3 and cryptocurrency space is seeing a significant amount of smart contract scams proliferating, with blockchain risk monitoring firm Solidus Labs saying it has detected on average 15 newly deployed scams every hour. Solidus Labs said on Oct. 27 that it had been monitoring 12 blockchains including Ethereum, Polygon and BNB Chain since Oct. 10, and in that time, had detected 188,525 smart contract scams. Former United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau director Kathy Kraninger, who is now Solidus’ vice president of regulatory affairs, said in the statement that “while some of the big rug pulls and scams make the news, [...] the full picture stemming from our data shows the vast majority of these scams go unnoticed.” The firm also shed some light on the number of tokens that are scams, saying 12% of BEP-20 tokens — BNB Smart Chain’s token standard — exhibit fraudulent characteristics marking it as the blockchain with the most cryptocurrency scams. Ethereum’s native ERC-20 token standard came second, with 8% of the blockchains’ tokens exhibiting scam-like characteristics, according to the company. It also estimated around $910 million worth of Ether related to scams had passed through centralized and regulated exchanges. Solidus said these so-called “scam token smart contracts” are hard-wired to steal investors’ funds and fit alongside other abusive practices such as rug pulls, where the developer steals the invested funds and token impersonations that aim to trick people into investing by mimicking popular cryptocurrencies. It said these types of contracts are “automatically deployed and easily repeated” with scammers able to quickly complete thousands of low-value attacks with exchanges, regulators and authorities none the wiser. VIA: https://cointelegraph.com/news/web3-sees-15-new-scam-smart-contracts-an-hour-solidus-labs

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