[Personal Growth] Jim Rohn, the father of success science, talks about the four elements of goal setting【個人成長】成功學之父Jim Rohn 談設定目標的四大要素

I believe everyone has experience setting goals for themselves? But how far has it been achieved in the end? If we can summarize the effectiveness of setting goals and calculate the difference between goals and results, we may be able to summarize several successful experiences. Jim Rohn, the outstanding American business philosopher and the father of success science, in his book "The Jim Rohn Guide to Goal Setting", talks about the four elements of setting effective and powerful goals. 相信大家都有為自己設定目標的經驗?但到頭來又達到多少了,如果可以總結設定目標的成效,計算一下目標與結果的差異,或可總結出幾條成功的經驗。美國傑出的商業哲學家、成功學之父Jim Rohn,在他一本著作《The Jim Rohn Guide to Goal Setting》,就跟大家談設定有效及強大目標的四大要素。

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I believe everyone has experience setting goals for themselves? But how far has it been achieved in the end? If we can summarize the effectiveness of setting goals and calculate the difference…
1 day ago