Autumn leaves are beautiful and make us happy.
There are some leaves that turn yellow and some that turn red in autumn, but the mechanisms that turn yellow and turn red are different.
As we all know, leaves contain chlorophyll, which is the source of the green pigment. Chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light during photosynthesis and does not use green light, which is why leaves appear green.
Mechanism of yellowing leaves
Leaves that turn yellow, such as ginkgo biloba, naturally contain caroten
There are some leaves that turn yellow and some that turn red in autumn, but the mechanisms that turn yellow and turn red are different.
As we all know, leaves contain chlorophyll, which is the source of the green pigment. Chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light during photosynthesis and does not use green light, which is why leaves appear green.
Mechanism of yellowing leaves
Leaves that turn yellow, such as ginkgo biloba, naturally contain caroten