The Marley family - Luna

Luna, who, like Milo, is adorned with beautiful tattoos, is an enchanting woman. Her blue DeSo eyes, shining beyond the confines of her irises, radiate an inexplicable brightness. Her soft lips reflect the tenderness in her heart and the strength of her mind. She is an artist through and through, and the tattoos on her body were like brushstrokes of stories and emotions....

gaikenftcreations's Recent Blog Posts

A new NFT series about a family, consisting of various characters and items from the life of the Marley family. The character descriptions of this family were created by @GaikeNFTcreations
11 months ago
Jack the dog, a NFT serie born in 2021 and grow up in 2024!
11 months ago
A new NFT series about a family, consisting of various characters and items from the life of the Marley family. The character descriptions of this family were created by @GaikeNFTcreations
11 months ago
A system to reward my holders, together with the buyer of the NFT and my current NFT holders.
11 months ago
A system to reward my holders, together with the buyer of the NFT and my current NFT holders.
1 year ago