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Comments (work-in-progress)
@deepblue1 - May 23, 2024
From what you've said it sounds like social truths communities might function like echo chambers. Potentially it could be a good or bad thing (e.g. a social truth community based on race superiority). But are you saying that by having DeSo even allow communities to form will make individuals feels less isolated in the digital landscape?
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@TheIdeaGuy - May 23, 2024
It's a very good question @ashwinmadhavan. Just like any other tool, DeSo's community moderation could be used for any purpose (good or bad). As community members it is our responsibility to amplify the good. But yes, just by allowing communities to form, DeSo will make people feel less isolated because there are others with their values in their community as opposed to today where all values can be only held personally while social media just drowns people in value-less consumerism.
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