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Comments (work-in-progress)
@vampirecampfire - Nov 15, 2022
💖 This isn't a true actual 'Note Me' alert, but just pretend this was a cute notification alerting you to a long post of mine. 😇 Love ya'll!

#TTDT @randhir @sandirose @JDArmstrong @Stargeezer @goldberry @mcmarsh @peaking @BitDads

And for those who may also be interested from this mornings post: @CloutWomenUnite @katramdeen @MarksReality
diamonds: 8   likess: 4
@kitty4D - Nov 17, 2022
i had like a very small amount of her coin when it first happened, so i never was affected, but i never really understood what it was people thought they were "investing" in (note: DeSo Creator Coins and $DESO are not to be talked about as any kind of investment, so note the quotation marks!).. they rugpulled twice before this month. i don't understand, who forgot? i didn't forget. there's no way other people had forgotten this.

cause the 1st time was due to krassenstein never mentioning something about them. surely this hasn't been forgotten. pretty sure this was the 1st time. so that was the excuse, kinda crybaby-ish but maybe when they returned they did something to make it seem like they were making things right for people? no idea lol.

but like, what could anyone have been thinking they were buying into anyways? i know they made nft projects? before the first rugpull at least right? some donut was one of them, i thought it was a cute image, but.. yeah it was an image. on deso nfts all are just images so, you know, not sure what some theoretical return on investment could be there since there is no direct and automatic funnel from nft sales into creator coin holders' wallets.

voso never made sense to me? like, something about using amazon products to .. talk to amazon alexa to .. maybe get deso notifications for a node? i never understood how it would possibly work. i think i saw like a 3d game world type thing once though but i wasn't sure how that fit in. you can find the matt guy on amazon if you search, and there are some like mystery/adventure-style games (i guess maybe more like just choose your own adventure? no clue) for alexa.

and they had like 20 accounts with each "project" having its own account. i don't recall them having a way with words to really convince people of anything? though i don't remember matt ever posting anyway. i probably never followed him but i really dunno.

but they did this like twice (and now i guess 3 times since i see the accounts were all renamed) since i had joined deso. sooo like fool me once, shame on.. shame on you, fool me twice.. you can't get fooled again. but i guess people did?

the problem is thinking of anything here as an investment when it's explicitly stated in the terms not to do this. without decentralized smart contracts there's no way of having any guarantee that anything is going to happen the way anyone says it does (and don't believe them, look at the contract yourself).

the problem isn't that they aren't trustworthy (we knew that after the 1st time anyway if anyone had doubts). the problem isn't that anyone believed them either. the problem is there's nothing here that is built in a way that should qualify anything as even a make-believe type of investment. if there's no guaranteed utility by way of a smart contract or something that worked similarly (and it kinda needs to be decentralized, not something on a server like whatever smart services were said to be), buying an nft is basically hoping that there's hype to create false value that keeps going up or i guess trusting that someone who has no obligation to do so would create value for you when they start making money.

and here, why would anyone do that when even the whole accountability part of the deso blockchain is totally forgotten and people who do this kind of stuff have verified checkmarks and aren't dealt with in any meaningful way that would hold them accountable.

anyway, that they had rugpulled twice before this month was way more than enough. if you wanted to speculate with the coin, you know, that's cool, that's your prerogative, some people probably did make money this way (maybe? i didn't follow the value of their coins, i had a tiny amount again but i don't speculate on creator coins) - but then you wouldn't really care about past transgressions because you weren't a long term holder anyway so the success of any project wouldn't have mattered so much.

ok sorry just a long comment but mainly i was wondering if you only had them down for 1 rugpull prior to this week. cause it is 2 i am positive. and now 3 i guess. i could be forgetting another one though.
diamonds: 9   likess: 2
@kitty4D - Nov 18, 2022
as far as their accounts say, this latest departure isn't a rug pull, but that still may not have helped if it caused a mass departure of holders before you (yeah you) found out. and i didn't look into any transfers of coins. i personally have no issue with people selling their coin, but clearly if they had developed relationships and gave implicit guarantees just with friendly chatter with people who felt they had gotten to be able to trust them at all, it's not the same thing as what i'm okay with. they're all now named like @CLOSEDNOV22_1 @CLOSEDNOV22_2 @CLOSEDNOV22_3 etc.. anyway i'm just trying to be pretty objective about it. i don't know anything about them, the last interactions i had with regina were pleasant, but i don't mind taking the time to write stuff out ever lol. other people know them and if they wanted to they could maybe speak to what their intentions might have been etc. i don't care, i have no issues though it's not cool that they have definitely taken more than put in at this point. that is an opinion though, figured i may as well put one in. and it's based on knowing that they've actually hurt in some meaningful way (whether financially, emotionally, both, or other) in addition to everything else. which personally i feel makes it hard to argue, but IANAL so YMMV.
diamonds: 3   likess: 1
@vampirecampfire - Nov 18, 2022
This was the first time that I had seen them do this, but shortly after I made this post/article, a few people reached out and told me that it wasn’t the first time. Which somehow makes it EVEN. CRAZIER. that they tried coming back yet again. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Oh and no worries at all for the long comment, it takes me like 2,000+ characters just to say hello, sometimes, so I totally get it. 😂
diamonds: 2   likess: 1
@kitty4D - Nov 18, 2022
the real issue though is that nothing is done. i mean how much proof did i post and nothing was ever done about that person that i called out - i'm not beating a dead wal--horse here but i mean what more needed to be shown there. so i just moved on. i did my duty, deso core failed to do its, but it's not like i can do anything more. and here, what exactly caused such an obvious breakdown of any type of protection or security for the userbase - did they not do the same thing that accounts impersonating people do? they seem to have done it better i guess? at least for a much lengthier time, not sure how well things went cause i didn't pay much attention. and whether it was a long game or a snap decision, who knows. but i mean after the 2nd rugpull, at the very least their existing private keys should have been blocked from the main nodes right? i mean, a person who comes and tries to sell something for $10 that isn't theirs and when the whole thing about NFTs and ownership is pretty murky it's still like BAM they're banned that was super easy! sooooooooo.. yeah, this is the question to ask. what more would have needed to happen? goes to show how much money nader must have, he had put $1000 into regina as part of some community support thing he did, and it's now $76.
diamonds: 3   likess: 1
@vampirecampfire - Nov 18, 2022
I totally agree. It’s concerning that absolutely nothing is being done about any of it and that it’s being allowed to happen repeatedly with them and other known bad actors around here. If no one had said anything about their June stunt, I’m positive the two of them would still be around here today acting as it nothing happened. 🤦🏼‍♀️ DeSo truly is the Wild West. 💀😂
diamonds: 2   likess: 1
@kitty4D - Nov 18, 2022
yeah i honestly don't know why no one said anything, though really it's the affected people who need to speak up. and i think many of them were just fed up with them and were avoiding them. but it wasn't some kind of secret. i guess i thought there was just no way people were putting real money back into them. especially given the more recent posts... i thought it had become a parody account tbh 😅 if only there were some kind of scam... h.. hun--- ahaha no clearly those don't actually work very well in practice. :D
diamonds: 3   likess: 1
@kitty4D - Nov 18, 2022
https://diamondapp.com/posts/593502a3886c7a773d059998838a98d46106dd8ac7ae46201fbeeed3226d589c here, i have created a place for this to be asked about maybe? :D
diamonds: 2   likess: 1
@MarksReality - Nov 16, 2022
So see if I’m understanding this correctly. The built their coin values, Voso coin value. Got others to buy in, and then cashed everything out and disappeared until know. Am I understanding that correctly? Basically by selling all and dipping out, they basically sold, dropped their cc value and dipped? So those that paid a premium for their CC’s were left owning tokens worth Pennie’s on the dollar. Is that correct? Main point.
diamonds: 6   likess: 1
@NowAndThen - Nov 19, 2022
There was fervent promotion taking place with respect to their project.... leading right up to the coin sells.
diamonds: 2   likess: 1
@MarksReality - Nov 19, 2022
Is it just me, or does it seem ReginaMarie left Deso? There’s a new account with same name. But not sure if it’s same person.
diamonds: 2   likess: 1
@NowAndThen - Nov 20, 2022
I believe that someone took over her username.
diamonds: 2   likess: 1
@MarksReality - Nov 20, 2022
Believe I would chose a different one. :/
diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@NowAndThen - Nov 20, 2022
Well, Mattpitt's is available.....
diamonds: 2   likess: 1
@MarksReality - Nov 20, 2022
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@NowAndThen - Nov 16, 2022
I think I remember a final explanation that they had decided to go a different way. But, they're back now. Bygones be bygones, like the prodigal son. Deso is a different sort of world, that's for certain.
diamonds: 2   likess: 1
@MarksReality - Nov 16, 2022
100% agree. Love the community at Desofy, blows every other social site out of the water. But like anything, there’s good and bad always. Hopefully this gets resolved, or at worst out to bed and everyone goes about their life. Everyone said what they needed to say But it’s an example of always doing research, stay vigilant, and there’s never a sure thing..
diamonds: 3   likess: 1
@MarksReality - Nov 15, 2022
I read on Zirkles, tried to do more, but wouldn’t accept the one time password they me for some reason. First, thank you for taking the time and energy to explain your side, research and show screen shots. If nothing else to take away from this, you definitely care and it shows. In my opinion, your the type that’s hear to help this place grow and looks out/protects the community. Something we all should aspire too. I’m going to reread over it again, and do some digging as well. Thank you so much for (more than anything) caring, spending your time to do this, and the heart to want to protect the community. Your head and heart are in the right place. In my opinion. And it’s appreciated.
diamonds: 4   likess: 1
@Lilover - Nov 16, 2022
thank you for calling out them, it is very good move, we have to keep our community free from fraud.
diamonds: 4   likess: 1
@HashtagHelper - Nov 15, 2022
diamonds: 0   likess: 0