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Comments (work-in-progress)
@Moggel - Jul 27, 2024
👆 New cartoon published as blog: "Orientation lost" 👆

In case your node or app doesn't display blog posts, here's the link to @BlogsAtDeso:


#moggel #applesauce #apfelmus #comic #cartoon

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And if you want to become part of the tag list, just let me know.

Also tagging @brootle, I thought you should see the whole story.
diamonds: 12   likess: 2
@mdmahmudulhasan - Jul 27, 2024
Loved it ❤️🔥
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@BKPOWER8 - Jul 27, 2024
Hilarious!!! 😆
diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@Moggel - Jul 27, 2024
Thank you :) Almost too much talking in this one! I'm glad @StevoNagy came up with a proper ending 😁
diamonds: 4   likess: 0
@StevoNagy - Jul 28, 2024
Maybe you could have unfunished cartoon once a month and offer users to propose an end. You choose the best one. It will bring more interaction. Just an idea.
diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@Moggel - Jul 28, 2024
I like this. In the past, I did let the community drive the cartoon, a few times. But it became a mess 😂 Your suggestion seems to be much better!
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@StevoNagy - Jul 28, 2024
Yes, just last frame (or two) from the user, you control the rest. If no good sugestions, you make the end. You have the interaction and I think people will love it also.
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