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Comments (work-in-progress)
@ElrickErikose - Nov 08, 2022
Good idea, though I’m not sure about using DAO as a gate…
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@Randhir - Nov 08, 2022
Today, the DAODAO community is sitting on Discord instead of being on-chain. And they've been waiting on DesoMessenger to do Gated Chats for months now. I really feel this is an easy one to shift the conversation on-chain.
diamonds: 1   likess: 1
@ElrickErikose - Nov 08, 2022
Oh, from that point of view… yes, but than it probably should have different gates like either/or
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@Randhir - Nov 08, 2022
Yes, that's the plan
diamonds: 1   likess: 1
@AnthonyUmeora - Nov 08, 2022
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@DeSoLabs - Nov 08, 2022
Please consider the hackathon rules -> one participant = one project 💙
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@Randhir - Nov 08, 2022
I am officially only on Squartz. I think there's synergy between the two post the Hackathon. But, the tech stack preference is different. So, I couldn't find an easy way to combine the two.
diamonds: 1   likess: 1