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Comments (work-in-progress)
@degen_doge - Jun 26, 2024
Hello g0hst,
I see that you have joined the project I am also on, with @DiamondThumb . Thank you. You seem like you could make a great contribution!!! Excited to meetchya

Through my short time in crypto, I have been a victim, and I have developed many thoughts on the way NFT projects should be run.
Very interested in learning from you and sharing with you.

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@g0hst - Jun 26, 2024
Hello @degen_doge, nice to meet you, I have joined the project. You're welcome, I'm eager to make a meaningful impact. I have also experienced some adversity using crypto, so I think this will be a equally rewarding relationship for both of us. I'd love to know your other thoughts on what I've written here. Thanks for doing the needful! Ghosty McGhostFace
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@degen_doge - Jun 26, 2024
ah,, you're going to make this more fun no doubt.... Welp... I'll get the ball rolling with my opinions on how it should be run, and maybe from it, you can help me some time... :D Most community projects should be a membership club, which has the following restrictions 1. Limit of 1 NFT per person 2. Greater vision of projects and utility, with members able to vote on its direction 3. Decentralization and equality btn. members 4. Full-disclosure on Finances (Taken from Thumb) 5. Any member is able to invest and be part of the "backend" of a project.. Therefore, the project owner (myself) will have an NFT, and all my investments will be made fully public... (What if I get sued because transparency... :/) My personal project will operate using the above conditions, and I have another idea which isn't possible at the moment: 6. Partial ownership of data. (51% goes to collection group as a whole, 49% to owner)... so if someone does not conform to values and rules, the group as a whole can vote them out... They lose their NFT as a result. (I believe in partial ownership of data, in general) 7. Mechanism to own your NFT across all chains (goes back to partial ownership to manage selling on one chain, sells for all) I was not aware on a lot of the things you touch on, and I appreciate your insights and opinions. I feel that I learned through this post. I would love to know how you would run a project. Particularly interested in learning more about: - Parachains - NFT Burning service: Why!?! Is the quality that shite they want to burn it? AI generated NFT's? - The title: "NFT" Games with utility
diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@g0hst - Jun 26, 2024
Hehe, I'm glad you enjoy humor. I don't know if I agree with the fact that most community projects should be a membership club. I think it is largely dependent on the process of gamification. If the wanted workflow is as I describe, a passive income club, then your NFT is a "Utility" NFT by virtue of the thought you wrap around it and its value is the Utility itself. If you just put art out there, or your project is to put out art, then yours is an Art NFT and its value is the Art itself. I think Deso is on the right track with not using smart contracts. I think that changes the game for its entire existence. So, because there's greater flexibility in what "can" be achieved, we're free to expand on features and functionality ~however we'd like to see it look~. I think NFTs for governance and DAO is a positive way to get rid of pay-to-win. I think NFTs for Identity and making more data more accessible to the right services is a wonderful idea, provided the provisioning process and backend are untraceable. We can't have decentralized concepts for one thing but not another, so if transparency is paramount, then making investments fully public is a cost of doing business. I don't know what you'd be sued for. I'll have to noodle your second concept a little. Parachains are run by Polkadot that mimic layer 1 chains, but indexed and available via API for apps to consume. Chainlink Oracles are similar, but require trust in a trustless way, because my oracle is only as good as OTHER people think it is. Yes, on IMX, I get spam NFTs airdropped to me almost daily. But the more compelling part is for the artist to create scarcity, which can re-engage old holders who may perceive the NFT as worthless. On Loopring, a "NFT" can be modified. Or rather, the image/art of the NFT can be modified by the creator after the token is minted. Sounds pretty fungible to me. If it was a perfect world, there would be an NFT Collection console of advanced features that helps the artist or creator create even more gamification ideas. But the basics of blockchain snapshot and other fundamentals are just part of the offering and not a premium set of functionality. Deso is already doing this, but have an acceptance mechanism to airdropping. Great idea. Deso can "burn" tokens by just making them disappear to you, super. What if I want to let users holding 2 NFTs from different collections get a ERC20 airdrop? There's infinite possibilities if things are more extensible. What about a timebomb type mechanism, airdrop at random times but it hot potatoes around to other NFT holders and last one it lands in gets to keep it, or gets a prize? The scenarios could be categorized as distribution templates. Maybe we can link them together, so we'd have a quasi-cron engine on blockchain? I'm sold. And happy about it. My only desire is to create an amazing product. Thanks fren.
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@degen_doge - Jun 27, 2024
waow, initial reaction is how does smart contracts limit what is possible? we are building smart contracts possibility with our project..
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@g0hst - Jun 27, 2024
I only meant that they work a certain way, and in certain IDEs. Modular primitives written in widely understood available languages and libraries in blockchain is sorta new to me, but I am a super n00b. The only other one I've learned about is Cardano using Haskell. So if it's used for enhanced functionality, that's better to me than being the primary basis for the value of the chain.
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@degen_doge - Jun 27, 2024
god damn, you got the concepts down…. let’s build some cool shit
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@g0hst - Jun 27, 2024
Hell yeah [$chestBump] [$fistBumpExplosion]
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