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Comments (work-in-progress)
@JurgenMoors - Aug 16, 2024
Great article Dennis. I agree on a lot of things you write. I especially agree on the fact that it somehow needs to become a bigger movement or start-up company with a bigger group of diverse people behind it. And I fully agree that the apps should not be imitations of other social media. We should be able to innovate !
diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@dennishlewis - Aug 16, 2024
Thanks, Jurgen. Let's make it happen!
diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@CreativeG - Aug 16, 2024
This is clearly written, I hope they read it and pick it up!!
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@carry2web - Aug 21, 2024
Please do check out @SafetyNet by @theDC and get in touch
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