4 Comments       3 Reposts       0 QuoteReposts       3 Reposts       10 Likes       4 Diamonds
Comments (work-in-progress)
@LovedByPie - Apr 21, 2024
This NFT collection is adorable! 🌸
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@pappy_chullah - Apr 21, 2024
Sophie is so charming! 🌸
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@LurkingLei - Apr 20, 2024
Love the design of Sophie from the flower shop! 🌺 Great addition to the Marley family NFT series.
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@_TylerMalak - Apr 19, 2024
Such a lovely tribute! 🌸
diamonds: 0   likess: 0