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Comments (work-in-progress)
@striga - Mar 27, 2023
After reading the entire article, it became difficult to comment! I wondered if anything I wrote would make me look narcissistic.

I really like the cover art you created with Starryai. I've bookmarked it to try. Reminded me of DesoMona NFTs✊
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@JDArmstrong - Mar 27, 2023
StarryAI is the main one I've used over the last year. I've tried others.. but l always seem to get better results with StarryAI.
diamonds: 4   likess: 1
@striga - Mar 27, 2023
I haven't tried it yet but it's on my list. I'm trying to distance myself from AI a little these days. I need to gather my thoughts for an analog project.
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@JDArmstrong - Mar 27, 2023
Fair enough. I'm going deep down that rabbit hole. 🀣
diamonds: 3   likess: 1
@JDArmstrong - Mar 27, 2023
🀣 narcissists don't reveal themselves easily. It's usually a slow process, to the person who they've chosen as their "supply"... takes at least 3 to 6 months of living with them. I call it "death by a million cuts"
diamonds: 4   likess: 1
@striga - Mar 27, 2023
🀣 Well said! Death by a million cuts!
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@JDArmstrong - Mar 27, 2023
The experience.. not so great 🀣 i almost completely lost who I was for a while. Thankfully, my stubborn nature runs deep through my core. Lol.
diamonds: 3   likess: 1
@striga - Mar 27, 2023
Are you narci.... no no joke.. am I idk! lol πŸ˜†πŸ€£
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@JDArmstrong - Mar 27, 2023
🀣 chances are.. no. People may have some traits. But usually, they're just an asshole. For example.. your reactions to your dad's passing. Sharing stories of him. On here. A narc doesn't care for anyone other than themselves. Not even themselves.. it's not "care". They don't like themselves. Their true self and are incapable of "love". This personality disorder is developed within formative years. 1 to about 7 years of age. Through severe neglect and abuse. Given that.. they'd despise their parents deep down. Therapy and medication may help them. First they have to admit there is a problem. Very difficult and confronting for them. Someone who's been through abuse at the hands if a narcissist can develop traits as a trauma response. I've done deep dives into this. Lol. Hadn't really heard much about it until after escaping my ex. Further I dived the more "Holy shit!" Moments I had.
diamonds: 3   likess: 1
@striga - Mar 28, 2023
Dude, you and I both know we're not narcissists... it's best to stay away from the shit... lol... when there's other "holly πŸ˜† shit" to talk about πŸ˜†
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