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@deepblue1 - Aug 19, 2024
Pretty damn good overview of DeSo. I think primarily DeSo would function only as a part of this "New Internet", specifically in the Social and News/Information space. Do you think other elements of the internet (streaming, cloud storage, online shopping, gaming, etc.) will have their own decentralized networks that would each individually support the required infrastructure?
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@TheIdeaGuy - Aug 20, 2024
Great question @ashwinmadhavan! By internet I literally just mean the information protocol like HTTP. Other things like cloud, storage, streaming etc, I have mixed opinions on. On the one hand DePiN services are starting to emerge it on the other hand Big Cloud players (aka hyperscalers) are already quite decentralized in that there isn't a clear monopoly. Irrespective, I think both DePiN and Hyperscalers will exist largely competing on cost and performance. DeSo or information protocol is different. It doesn't need to be the lowest cost storage (although it definitely needs to be low enough). Rather, DeSo needs to become the most trusted resource for highest quality information which needs network effects, paygated content economy and information markets. Which is both Focus and Openfund are very important along with the core DeSo protocol because focus kickstart network effects, enables this content economy and openfund is needed to build the necessary infra for information markets. @mossified, @nader is this also how you guys think about it?
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