--> -->
Python 3.7.3: /usr/bin/python3.7
Mon Sep 16 15:29:52 2024

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /home/atdeso/public_html/python/get-post.py in <module>()
    124 while offset == 0 or myCounter == 30:
=>  125     myCounter = mainComments(offset)
    126     offset += 30
myCounter = 0, mainComments = <function mainComments>, offset = 0
 /home/atdeso/public_html/python/get-post.py in mainComments(commentStart=0)
     60     Posts = desoPosts.getSinglePost(postHashHex,commentLimit=30,commentOffset=commentStart).json()
     61     if offset == 0:
=>   62         myOps = Posts['PostFound']['PostExtraData']['BlogDeltaRtfFormat']
     63         myLikes = Posts['PostFound']['LikeCount']
     64         myDiamonds = Posts['PostFound']['DiamondCount']
myOps undefined, Posts = {'PostFound': {'AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap': {}, 'AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap': {}, 'Body': 'Just to let you know what I am doing when I am a...0.25Cc\nTo let you know who you are investing in 👋', 'CommentCount': 9, 'Comments': [{'AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap': {}, 'AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap': {}, 'Body': '@Jhayppy you are mentioned ', 'CommentCount': 1, 'Comments': [{'AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap': {}, 'AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap': {}, 'Body': 'Thanks', 'CommentCount': 0, 'Comments': None, 'ConfirmationBlockHeight': 334071, 'CreatorBasisPoints': 1000, 'DiamondCount': 1, 'DiamondsFromSender': 0, 'HasUnlockable': False, ...}], 'ConfirmationBlockHeight': 334071, 'CreatorBasisPoints': 1000, 'DiamondCount': 1, 'DiamondsFromSender': 0, 'HasUnlockable': False, ...}, {'AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap': {}, 'AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap': {}, 'Body': 'Cool, your sponsor is @MusicHeals . Well done. ✨️✨️💯💯♥️♥️', 'CommentCount': 0, 'Comments': None, 'ConfirmationBlockHeight': 333911, 'CreatorBasisPoints': 1000, 'DiamondCount': 6, 'DiamondsFromSender': 0, 'HasUnlockable': False, ...}, {'AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap': {}, 'AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap': {}, 'Body': 'Awesome Gaike, keep going. btw- I think I am cur...to see you on desofy it is just a black screen \U0001f972 ', 'CommentCount': 2, 'Comments': [{'AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap': {}, 'AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap': {}, 'Body': 'Yes I heard and noticed myself also🥴🙄\n\n@desofy @...th my account. Is this because the GIF banner or…', 'CommentCount': 2, 'Comments': [...], 'ConfirmationBlockHeight': 334069, 'CreatorBasisPoints': 1000, 'DiamondCount': 4, 'DiamondsFromSender': 0, 'HasUnlockable': False, ...}], 'ConfirmationBlockHeight': 334038, 'CreatorBasisPoints': 1000, 'DiamondCount': 3, 'DiamondsFromSender': 0, 'HasUnlockable': False, ...}, {'AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap': {}, 'AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap': {}, 'Body': 'Absolutely Beautiful!! @CreativeG \nLove this montage of Your work! 👍🏻😊\n', 'CommentCount': 1, 'Comments': [{'AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap': {}, 'AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap': {}, 'Body': 'Thanks a lot! 👋', 'CommentCount': 0, 'Comments': None, 'ConfirmationBlockHeight': 333937, 'CreatorBasisPoints': 1000, 'DiamondCount': 2, 'DiamondsFromSender': 0, 'HasUnlockable': False, ...}], 'ConfirmationBlockHeight': 333931, 'CreatorBasisPoints': 1000, 'DiamondCount': 4, 'DiamondsFromSender': 0, 'HasUnlockable': False, ...}, {'AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap': {}, 'AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap': {}, 'Body': 'You have been busy and your creativity is endles... your creations make up the picture. It’s great!!', 'CommentCount': 1, 'Comments': [{'AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap': {}, 'AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap': {}, 'Body': 'Thank you for your kind words ❤️ \nCreating is my...ay and it’s wonderful bonus when people like it 🙏', 'CommentCount': 0, 'Comments': None, 'ConfirmationBlockHeight': 333938, 'CreatorBasisPoints': 1000, 'DiamondCount': 2, 'DiamondsFromSender': 0, 'HasUnlockable': False, ...}], 'ConfirmationBlockHeight': 333927, 'CreatorBasisPoints': 1000, 'DiamondCount': 2, 'DiamondsFromSender': 0, 'HasUnlockable': False, ...}], 'ConfirmationBlockHeight': 333911, 'CreatorBasisPoints': 1000, 'DiamondCount': 32, 'DiamondsFromSender': 0, 'HasUnlockable': False, ...}}

KeyError: 'BlogDeltaRtfFormat'
      args = ('BlogDeltaRtfFormat',)
      with_traceback = <built-in method with_traceback of KeyError object>