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Comments (work-in-progress)
@CryptoBits - Apr 17, 2023
I hope you’re correct!
diamonds: 1   likess: 1
@nader - Apr 11, 2023
Building social apps like TikTok on a blockchain makes you completely immune to over-reaching government action, like the RESTRICT act.

If TikTok were built on DeSo there would be hundreds of different apps that people use to share the same videos, all of which would be stored on-chain.

That means there wouldn’t be a single app to “ban.” Instead it would be a game of whack-a-mole with hundreds or thousands of alternatives. Much harder for an oppressive government to deal with.
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@brootle - Apr 11, 2023
it's "whack-a-mole" only if ban is on app level, it's different story if ban is on protocol level
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@chiqenlegs - Apr 11, 2023
All governments need to do is instruct telcos (telecommunication providers) to throttle traffic suspected to be delivering content to those "thousands of apps" and they will do as instructed. There is no web3 or "censor resistant" alternative to web2 as long as all these things still utilize the same internet that is controlled by corporations that comply with regulation.
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@M_Yuhara - Apr 11, 2023
Well written !
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@WilliamLaurent - Apr 11, 2023
Thats what I do bro!
diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@brootle - Apr 11, 2023
nothing is gonna happen to TikTok, they will transfer ownership to US based company and will make better moderation of uploaded content
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@SeWiJuGA - Apr 10, 2023
as if gringo users really mater to worldwide tiktok use? dont think so !! they can always go to mexico if they want to use it 🥰
diamonds: 1   likess: 2
@RealMcoin - Apr 11, 2023
Tik tok ...tik tok ...BUIUM....
FUNK IT.....
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@asyncmind - Apr 10, 2023
Lol yes the USA has declared it ded so it ded.
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