14 Comments       2 Reposts       2 QuoteReposts       2 Reposts       3 Likes       20 Diamonds
Comments (work-in-progress)
@carry2web - Jul 19, 2024
Allow a bit of time to gather more wisdom to come to 10 tips.
The ones already published do provide guidance already
Thank you
diamonds: 5   likess: 0
@That70sRobot - Jul 19, 2024
I love it Brother.. Also Check out the FAQ at desocollective.com for more tips.
diamonds: 4   likess: 0
@SeWiJuGA - Jul 18, 2024
great job...maybe make them the 10 commandments of Deso 😆🥳😁

1) they shall not sell your own usercoin
diamonds: 4   likess: 0
@WhatsMy - Jul 21, 2024
@WhatsMy has feedback for you about your command.

❓ Why? @WhatsMy*** family of commands do not process commands with more than 2 mentions.

ℹ Please take a look at @WhatsMy profile for a list of available commands and rules on content of posts/comments with commands for us.
ℹ We introduced those restrictions to limit the number of our unwanted answers, for example to posts with "walls of tags".

diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@WhatsMy - Jul 21, 2024
@WhatsMy has feedback for you about your command.

❓ Why? @WhatsMy*** family of commands do not process commands with more than 2 mentions.

ℹ Please take a look at @WhatsMy profile for a list of available commands and rules on content of posts/comments with commands for us.
ℹ We introduced those restrictions to limit the number of our unwanted answers, for example to posts with "walls of tags".

diamonds: 3   likess: 0
@DeSocialWorld - Jul 28, 2024
This is a reply from our DeSocialWorld bot.

Due to our summer holidays, we won't be able to reply anytime soon. We will resume community engagement on August 12th. You can always leave a message at info@desocialworld.com. We will respond to you when we are back. Meanwhile, our DEV team keeps building with reduced capacity. See you August 12th! And don't forget to stake at https://explorer.deso.com/validator/DeSocialWorldValidator
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@mdmahmudulhasan - Jul 18, 2024
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@WhatsMy - Sep 11, 2024
@WhatsMy has feedback for you about your command.

❓ Why? @WhatsMy*** family of commands do not process commands with more than 2 mentions.

ℹ Please take a look at @WhatsMy profile for a list of available commands and rules on content of posts/comments with commands for us.
ℹ We introduced those restrictions to limit the number of our unwanted answers, for example to posts with "walls of tags".

diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@WhatsMy - Sep 11, 2024
@WhatsMy has feedback for you about your command.

❓ Why? @WhatsMy*** family of commands do not process commands with more than 2 mentions.

ℹ Please take a look at @WhatsMy profile for a list of available commands and rules on content of posts/comments with commands for us.
ℹ We introduced those restrictions to limit the number of our unwanted answers, for example to posts with "walls of tags".

diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@WhatsMy - Jul 28, 2024
@WhatsMy has feedback for you about your command.

❓ Why? @WhatsMy*** family of commands do not process commands with more than 2 mentions.

ℹ Please take a look at @WhatsMy profile for a list of available commands and rules on content of posts/comments with commands for us.
ℹ We introduced those restrictions to limit the number of our unwanted answers, for example to posts with "walls of tags".

diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@WhatsMy - Jul 21, 2024
@WhatsMy has feedback for you about your command.

❓ Why? @WhatsMy*** family of commands do not process commands with more than 2 mentions.

ℹ Please take a look at @WhatsMy profile for a list of available commands and rules on content of posts/comments with commands for us.
ℹ We introduced those restrictions to limit the number of our unwanted answers, for example to posts with "walls of tags".

diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@WhatsMy - Jul 21, 2024
@WhatsMy has feedback for you about your command.

❓ Why? @WhatsMy*** family of commands do not process commands with more than 2 mentions.

ℹ Please take a look at @WhatsMy profile for a list of available commands and rules on content of posts/comments with commands for us.
ℹ We introduced those restrictions to limit the number of our unwanted answers, for example to posts with "walls of tags".

diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@WhatsMy - Jul 21, 2024
@WhatsMy has feedback for you about your command.

❓ Why? @WhatsMy*** family of commands do not process commands with more than 2 mentions.

ℹ Please take a look at @WhatsMy profile for a list of available commands and rules on content of posts/comments with commands for us.
ℹ We introduced those restrictions to limit the number of our unwanted answers, for example to posts with "walls of tags".

diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@deann4ik - Jul 20, 2024
Good one
diamonds: 0   likess: 0