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Comments (work-in-progress)
@RyanCharleston - Feb 23, 2023
Happy to report that I have found a parter to join me in developing what I believe will the next top app (or multiple apps) on DeSo!

The response to this post was amazing and I was surprised by the interest and encouragement. Of course there were a few naysayers and critics in the mix, but things are now moving forward!

Let's go! 🚀
diamonds: 4   likess: 0
@anku - Feb 24, 2023
Congrats Ryan!
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@Randhir - Feb 22, 2023
I'd recommend the following people in no particular order ...

@kuririn @thorsten @ItsAditya @MrPreet

Personally, I am working on building my own Web3 App-Dev Co. with my own team outside of DESO and my goal is to build something across Web3 leveraging the synergies between them.

But, it's still in the works and I'd need funding to build that team and I am in the process of raising a small round. So, happy to stay in touch and speak once I've made progress on it.

DESO has been a bitter sweet experience for me and I am still in two minds given how Dev-Unfriendly the core team has been. But, I am keeping an open mind and aim to build across chains so that we can go deep once a winner starts to emerge.
diamonds: 4   likess: 3
@ItsAditya - Feb 22, 2023
Thanks for the mention but I am out due to excessive work load. Altho i have pinged @uddeshya abt it
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@thorsten - Feb 22, 2023
Thanks a lot for the referral :-) !
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@MrPreet - Feb 22, 2023
Good luck Sir, Ping me any time
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@thorsten - Feb 20, 2023
Sounds interesting!

Please check out my profile at thorsten.cc - and deso.racing, a spacer racer with deso integration I created a while ago.
diamonds: 4   likess: 0
@Rhynelf - Feb 20, 2023
I was going to tag you on this but you beat me to it. 😉
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@Christolong - Feb 20, 2023
Gaming is the way
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@NathanHeffelman - Feb 21, 2023
Hey Charles, I Read your post on desoblog and checked out your page. It looks fantastic. Maybe we could set up a time to chat. I've been working here alone in the darkness creating an app. I've also been learning a lot along the way, so a new iteration might be faster. Looking to team up.
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