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Comments (work-in-progress)
@SeWiJuGA - Jun 04, 2023
@Kaanha its now your turn t ask for your wish to @Moggel and pass on the magical latern nft you own. If wished offcoarse...
diamonds: 3   likess: 1
@SeWiJuGA - Jun 04, 2023
wonderfull....many many thanks !! 🥰
diamonds: 3   likess: 1
@ElrickErikose - Jun 04, 2023
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@Moggel - Jun 04, 2023
When do you sleep..??? :D
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@ElrickErikose - Jun 04, 2023
Not the best CC and translation, but… Currently I don’t… almost 😂
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@Moggel - Jun 04, 2023
I found the text in russian, and translated it with deepl.com. Are these roughly the lyrics? Or did I find the wrong song? :D (I like singer-songwriters!) The Comte de Montfort gave a feast, The lord of Toulouse is in the world's glory. The army revels, the clergy rejoices, And the crowd dances on and on. The hymns of victory are loud, The guests stomp like elephants. I want to sleep and dream "Let me sleep, let me sleep, let me sleep, "Let me sleep, you freaks, Let me sleep, you freaks! Count de Montfort, may you die, Let me sleep already!" And behind the other wall "The old man of the Old Testament, Noah. is building another ark... To carry his creatures. God, send him a flood, Or someone to punch him in the forehead, # But before he does, I want him to have a hole punch ♪ But before he does it, he's got a punching machine up his ass ♪ "Let me sleep, motherfuckers, Let me sleep, motherfuckers! You're a scumbag, Noah, and your son's a scumbag, "Let me sleep already!" ♪ And below me lives Orpheus ♪ # He's a DJ who's always stoned # With his lyre and his mixer # He's always jamming and jamming Oh, I wish that bastard To follow Eurydice to hell ♪ So that he can't go back ♪ "The wise janitor, Charon. "Let me sleep, you freaks, Let me sleep, you freaks! I'm as mad as a hundred Thracian wives, "Let me sleep already!" I have to get up at seven in the morning, To forge my ring all day long, To find and summon all, To do damage to everyone. But first, I'm going to lose it on the one Who designed our house, I'll make sure that darn bastard ♪ Don't sleep no more ♪ "Let me sleep, motherfuckers, Let me sleep, you freaks! You can't wake the ancient evil, Let me sleep already!"
diamonds: 1   likess: 1
@ElrickErikose - Jun 04, 2023
😂yeah, and not that bad a translation
diamonds: 2   likess: 1
@ElrickErikose - Jun 04, 2023
Closeup of The Evil 😂 📷 by @ElrickErikose June 4, 2023
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@Moggel - Jun 04, 2023
Oh no. I hope they finish soon….
diamonds: 1   likess: 1
@ElrickErikose - Jun 04, 2023
They do that for more than a year, and it’s not the only construction site nearby … 😡
diamonds: 2   likess: 1
@Moggel - Jun 04, 2023
Since when do you live in NY? I mean, in the city itself?
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@ElrickErikose - Jun 04, 2023
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@Moggel - Jun 04, 2023
wow, it's a long time. It seems to be a noisy city, and apparently one never gets really used to the noise... I live in a very rural place, south to Zurich... I don't know if I could live in such a big city. Even Zurich itself is small... while it's the largest city, by far, in Switzerland, it still has only 400'000 inhabitants...
diamonds: 1   likess: 1
@ElrickErikose - Jun 04, 2023
Though I live on the Atlantic Ocean shore…still way too noisy 😂
diamonds: 2   likess: 1
@ElrickErikose - Jun 04, 2023
So naturally I’m 🦉, but this sometimes turn me to 24/7 😂
diamonds: 1   likess: 1
@ElrickErikose - Jun 04, 2023
And I actually have construction site under my windows as you can see at some of my 🎥📷 For example: https://nftz.me/nft/c5239bbb7d034014857672d5f3957ec05e352edf2f070a8f23968ac44d2fc606
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@Moggel - Jun 04, 2023
diamonds: 1   likess: 1
@Verified3DArtist - Jul 05, 2023
@Moggel is a #Verified3DArtist in Your #3DUniverse; see #UC13 for details.
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