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@deepblue1 - Jun 17, 2024
Damn, 10 Trillion with a T is crazy. I'm assuming you believe Bitcoin is hypothetically worth more than that too?
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@TheIdeaGuy - Jun 17, 2024
Using the same framework, yes! We’re quite close to that on Bitcoin already.
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@BullishBits - Jun 17, 2024
Social media without platform risk, new ways of earning and where creators pocket the majority of revenues is easily a $10T opportunity.
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@TheIdeaGuy - Jun 17, 2024
Must clarify: Not anytime soon. Not this cycle. Not next cycle. Not the cycle after it.
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@BullishBits - Jun 18, 2024
Correct, for DeSo to grow to one billion users and beyond, they will have to successfully solve scaling issues (among many other issues) for the next 10 years.
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