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Comments (work-in-progress)
@houseofseb - Oct 30, 2023
diamonds: 3   likess: 1
@BoyWhoLovedBurgers - Oct 30, 2023
It's a story after all. no matter, it is interesting and had an unpredictable story line. I like it. Keep writing/drawing more
diamonds: 2   likess: 1
@Moggel - Oct 30, 2023
unpredictable! Yes, indeed 😅
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@ElrickErikose - Oct 30, 2023
Now after looking at complete episode again, I still kinda not understand one thing…
1. Ppl was cooking Apple Sauce
2. Ppl said, that Apple Sauce was given to them by Circus as a payment for “rent”. So Apple Sauce was given to these ppl uncooked…
3. Moggel destroyed Circus.

Why? 🤔😊
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@Moggel - Oct 30, 2023
I clicked on „quote“ instead of reply! Here‘s what I posted as a quote: Glad you ask. I don‘t have no idea either, why or how that happened. I‘m just reporting about this incident. But this is what I assume: - Moggel got furious because of the people *cooking* apple sauce. You don‘t cook apple sauce. Never. - Moggel thought that the Circus people told them to cook it. But I‘ve no idea why the Circus paid the rent for the space with apple sauce, in the first place. How weird is that. But maybe because it‘s Apple Sauce Island, ruled by the Apple Sauce King, and these people are doing the governance tasks. - In the Circus Moggel forgot about the Apple Sauce cooking incident, because of the totally stupid cannon they‘ve been using, which didn‘t even work properly. - But Moggel‘s better cannon failed to go, it probably was stuck, or so. Moggel didn‘t destroy that Circus on purpose! But, I don‘t know for sure. It‘s a strange story!
diamonds: 3   likess: 1