9 Comments       13 Reposts       4 QuoteReposts       13 Reposts       28 Likes       57 Diamonds
Comments (work-in-progress)
@DeSocialWorld - Jun 01, 2023
Thanks for the mention!
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@ElrickErikose - Jun 01, 2023
This monthly review is a great idea: even I learned something new 😊👍
diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@Dirham - Jun 01, 2023
Thank you for sharing!! Deso is keep building! A great future for us. Nice overview!!!🚀🚀🚀😂🤧
diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@mousai - Jun 01, 2023
Thanks for including us in the update!
diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@OliverMccann - Jun 01, 2023
DeSo's updates are like a fine wine, only getting better with time - cheers to frictionless swaps, global reach, and artist liberation! 🍷🌐🎶
diamonds: 4   likess: 0
@jianda_DESO - Jun 01, 2023

建议:DeSo团队发行MegaSwap跨链平台的DAO代币,使用MegaSwap跨链有相关的空投激励。就像 zkSync网络一样,有空投发币的预期引来200万地址用户,每天不停的创造交互交易量,给zkSync生态带来大量的活跃用户。



@deso @nader @VishalGulia @dharmesh @leojay
diamonds: 4   likess: 1
@JackyZ - Jun 02, 2023
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@Princesss - Jun 01, 2023
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@c40488025 - Jun 01, 2023

diamonds: 1   likess: 0