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@_Fields_ - Jan 20, 2023
@VishalGulia sold his car to buy more DESO , I wonder what’s his plan forward. I also wonder what’s next for DESO , 2 exchange listing within 1 week with such a small supply and yet couldn’t even achieve 1x pump. seems like a big failure and what’s even more disappointing is that instead of insane pump we witnessed dump the entire week.
diamonds: 2   likess: 1
@_Fields_ - Jan 20, 2023
Let me correct my statement. we kept dumping during listing period when we were suppose to pump insanely.
diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@JDArmstrong - Jan 20, 2023
Yep. Well.. I don't predict any lambos in his future.
diamonds: 1   likess: 1