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@0xAustin - May 01, 2024
Tagging a few people that showed interest in this topic based on the poll. Promise it's not a mass random tag...

@LuisEddie @VishalGulia @mossified @Dirham @DOZ
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@LuisEddie - May 02, 2024
Thanks brother, this was very insightful and well thought-out. This has me questioning some of my past approaches and what I will do in the future. Thank you for taking the time to share this. 🙏
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@0xAustin - May 02, 2024
Almost any insight I shared was learned the hard way. From struggling and failure... Happy to talk through what you're working on if you want!
diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@LuisEddie - May 02, 2024
I will definitely take you up on the offer! I really appreciate your willingness to help others. I'll DM you on Diamond.
diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@Dirham - May 05, 2024
Thanx bro fot the Tag 🫡 Great read and many lessons to be learned from the beautifully written piece
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@edokoevoet - May 01, 2024
Great holiday read
diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@10XChris - May 02, 2024
@0xAustin this post is packed with wisdom. Such a high signal to noise ratio. *chefs kiss*

Wage / Debt slavery is real and soul crushing for entrepreneurs. Building a financial foundation is critical to chasing moonshots. I hope to make a difference in this space with 10X.

As a dev/SaaS guy I personally prefer cashflow model and tech niche - so it was refreshing to hear your perspective on small business.

Keep it up with these great posts! 🤩

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@0xAustin - May 03, 2024
Thank you for the good feedback! I know much less about SaaS and tech business models, so much of what I wrote probably doesn't apply. From my very basic understanding of SaaS/tech companies, focusing on casfhlow makes a ton of sense as many of these companies should not be venture backed as they were historically. Private equity makes more sense for many of these companies, and it seems people are starting to realize this. I think a more mature private equity market is developing around valuing tech and SaaS companies on some form of cashflow/EBITDA, so it is likely a very good time to be building! Which makes some of what I wrote suddenly more relevant I guess..
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@BRUNKS - May 02, 2024
Thanks for sharing austin. You have packed some great experiences into a relatively young career. That is not just impressive, but it seems you recognize and appreciate your blessings. The more you share like this, the more others may be inspired to overcome their fears and take a path that will reward them. It resonated with me that your decision matrix revolves around creating individual freedom, which tends to put a person's soul in a better place.
I appreciate your profound writing. Thank you.
diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@0xAustin - May 03, 2024
Time > money always.
diamonds: 1   likess: 0