3 Comments       0 Reposts       1 QuoteReposts       0 Reposts       2 Likes       12 Diamonds
Comments (work-in-progress)
@tonylewis - May 01, 2024
When you see all of them flying so erratically, what are they doing?
diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@CreativeG - May 06, 2024
I cant send diamonds to Beesmart at zirkels....? And at your article I did but I did not get a message that it works so I dont know.... Did you get a diamond from me? @tonylewis
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@BeeSmart - May 10, 2024
I know what you are describing too. Assigning diamonds to circles is not always associated with suitable feedback. But I can see in my notifications that it has worked Thank you very much @CreativeG
diamonds: 2   likess: 0
@CreativeG - May 10, 2024
I think there is no option to diamond at zirkels, that’s a pity I needed to go to the DeSo platform to diamond.
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@BeeSmart - May 10, 2024
Yes, I found that out too, I think you still have to programme the functionality a bit. And right - I'm currently also awarding diamonds on the Deso Platform
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@CreativeG - May 10, 2024
To go to the DeSo platform will be a an extra bump you have to overcome. not everyone is going to make that effort. then it will soon be late but... I have stated before, but that is my personal opinion that a tip of $1 is too much. Better if they don't want to add diamonds $0.20 or $0.50
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@BeeSmart - May 10, 2024
I've already suggested to Tony that you should be able to freely define the tip.
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@CreativeG - May 10, 2024
And what was the reaction?
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@BeeSmart - May 14, 2024
Sorry for the answer but I was on a Business trip. Tony wrote on my ideas of improvements "Hey Frank! I truly, truly, truly appreciate your time on this. This is really helpful for us. I’m going to take some time myself to put some thoughts together on all of your feedback…" I think Zirkels will be better step by step but this thake time
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@CreativeG - May 14, 2024
No worries, yes you are right. I said the same few months ago but still no change, maybe they dont want to change the value?!
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@CreativeG - May 10, 2024
I think it would be nice to add tipped by “the creator” Just like you see the diamond value of a post. Would that be an idea? @tonylewis @dennishlewis
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@BeeSmart - May 01, 2024
Hello Tony. as I mentioned briefly in the video, the old queen leaves the hive with part of the colony. This leaving is more of a storming out. The old queen has not flown for a long time and is therefore exhausted quite quickly and rests not far from the old hive. Usually on a tree, branch, shrub or, as in our video, on a wooden post. The bees that fly out with her always try to fly after the queen (her pheromone), so they look for her in the air and that's the big mess. But this dies down after a few minutes because all the bees gather in a cluster around the queen. But this first swarming and flying around of around 20000 bees is an experience every time, even for me.
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