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@TheETHNomad - Jan 21, 2023
I can agree with basically every bullet on that list. A lot of folks don't want to hear it, but if theyve never left their hometown, never taken risks, envy those around them that do, they are to some degree weak & wouldn't do well in a situation where they had to quickly adapt to change. As someone who has put himself in adverse situations throughout life & gotten out of them, I judge this level of weakness, if society fell apart tomorrow, these people would be the ones that are untrustworthy. Just my 2 cents
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@JDArmstrong - Jan 21, 2023
Yeah.. not sure who you're referring to. But I agree with that, at a basic level. You never know who will shine under adverse conditions without ever being tested. I've been in and through a fair bit myself and doing it again.. starting over once again.. shit, I've even beat death on two occasions, on two separate continents. Within two years. 2015 and 2017. 🤣
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@TheETHNomad - Jan 21, 2023
Not referring to anyone particularly, just grouping based on characteristics lol. There are some exceptionally decent people that thrive given no life experience. But it's rare in my experiences with people lol. That's awesome though, glad you're still kicking dude
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@JDArmstrong - Jan 21, 2023
Lol. Indeed.. takes all types. Except the type that's becoming prevalent. The era of the "stupid by choice". Cheers man. I'm glad I'm still here. There's no give up here. Lol. I wasn't leaving my daughter without a father. https://zirkels.com/a/the-day-i-died Some light reading of the first time.
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