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Comments (work-in-progress)
@Randhir - Jul 21, 2024
My 2 cents:

I'd love to stake with you as long as I stake CC. But, I won't be able to get into the CC side of the community easily because there are too many large unknown whales who might rug us (as has happened with a few other project accounts) and also early CC Traders who I know will exit at some point.

So if Staking with DSW means higher commissions - I'd have to reconsider staking with DSW and stake with some other Validator. I am sharing this more so you think from others like me (probably with more capital than I).

My Solution is that you consider giving out the commissions in the form of DSW CC instead of giving DESO. That way, you have more liquidity that you can use to Stake and also those staking get invested in DSW CC organically. Even if there's a risk of the CC getting devalued ... there's a game being played where more CC holders will buy back whenever there is a sale.
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@srabonbhuiyan09 - Jul 13, 2024
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