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Comments (work-in-progress)
@DiamondThumb - Jun 30, 2024
[blockchain] is Something a little more reliable? ???


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@degen_doge - Jun 30, 2024
This is awesome. I love reading pain. Mind is indeed blown from da very first chapter. I'll be responding to your chapters with my takeaways from my own 'critical thinking'. You don't have to read this shit btw

You got me into a deep rabbit hole about the US relating to Imperialism. Roosevelt>Phillippines :0, MLK, Cuba, Iraq, etc... This won't stop. It is hard for me to comprehend that we are a nation built off of exploitation of the less unfortunate.

"The beginning of the truly unrecoverable loss of trust in modern financial tools and institutions"
Fact of it is that there are a lot of people from my generation who completely distrust government, financial institutions, and very much so... CRYPTO https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LJB
My read is that they feel meaningless and hopeless as a result. Maybe in the subconscious... There are very few people with passion, and I love trying to extract their thoughts on it out of people.

IMO, The internet broadens horizons so much that it makes everyone's day-to-day feel so pointless. You do not feel your impact. Especially if you're in a 40000+ employee corporation 🤣🤣🤣. 1 of 10 billion people...

And it's so funny you mention people are judged for their job, because my friend said the same exact thing. When reality is, it's not their fault. They're a degen who sold out to become a salesman for medical supplies 🤣.


I have a couple of definitions.
I bluesky'd that 'degen' is anything mindless or meaningless you do that isn't experiencing your life or confronting your issues. Anything unproductive to what you SHOULD value. Slots, social media, watching tv all day, etc. Instead of 'memeing' with your family.

AKA a dopamine addiction like you said. Avoidance.

Kind of different from being a internet troll as you say.
I also thought degen would be a cool definition for anything you do online, and degentity being your online identity...
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@degen_doge - Jun 30, 2024
hmm wat questions? maybe in next chapter
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@Mdsayembhuiyan - Jun 25, 2024
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