8 Comments       15 Reposts       3 QuoteReposts       15 Reposts       56 Likes       31 Diamonds
Comments (work-in-progress)
@darian_parrish - Jun 21, 2023
Great news!
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@olin_patterson - Jun 20, 2023
huge news!

diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@Berliner - Jun 20, 2023
Well, it's not exactly true that Europeans have been excluded from purchasing $DESO so far. Honestly, the news here hasn't been news for months. At least not the kind that can turn things around.
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@AkshayUpadhyay - Jun 20, 2023
Awesome 🔥
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@anonymousi - Jun 20, 2023
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@Hit_man - Jun 20, 2023
Awesome! Keep the expansion going 💎
diamonds: 0   likess: 0
@MagdaleneSchultz - Jun 21, 2023
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@Simonmilld - Jun 20, 2023
diamonds: 0   likess: 0