6 Comments       2 Reposts       2 QuoteReposts       2 Reposts       13 Likes       19 Diamonds
Comments (work-in-progress)
@Randhir - Dec 28, 2022
@Bhagyasri @JDArmstrong @ch0k1 @Skknlover @ThisDayInMusicHistory @Twinstars @Homey @FreeTrade @StarGeezer @StubbornDad @FedeDM @ECOE
@Darian_Parrish @Lilover @studio_richards @Scottscoin @The_Devil @PMAnalytics1
@vampirecampfire @joejerome @mashelenn @Procrustes @JohnJardin @ShadyAcres @TrafficCaptain @Stockler
@bugsfree @cnzpll @Ribal @suketudp @godwoken @TheBigTuna @Gracebaseme @JasonDevlin @LexCons @BenErsing @Sandirose @BKPower8
@RealYogi @imonurohila @Krassenstein @rileybeans @mcmarsh @Rajmal @KevinAlexander @GaikeNFTcreations @flanagan
diamonds: 12   likess: 10
@Randhir - Dec 28, 2022
Credit: @Kanshi and his Snapcamera app for the photo.

CC: @darian_parrish :-)
diamonds: 4   likess: 2
@darian_parrish - Dec 28, 2022
Are you going to use that for all the calls now?
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@Randhir - Dec 29, 2022
LOL. It's so funny. You look at it, and while you know it's not you, you start to wonder for a split second if it's someone else. Like this one, even though I know it's not me, it is similar to my Dad in some ways, and I can imagine this being how I look in 30-40 years. :-) I am still looking for my magic effect like @Kanshi has found his. :-)
diamonds: 3   likess: 1
@kanshi - Dec 29, 2022
Good luck :) It took me a while to find "the one" but I'm always experimenting with new ones ;)
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@mashelenn - Dec 28, 2022
Happy Birthday @Randhir 🎉
May every day bring you one step closer to your goals!
diamonds: 1   likess: 0
@Randhir - Dec 28, 2022
Thank You Lena. For the wishes and for everything you do here for the community!
diamonds: 2   likess: 1
@HashtagHelper - Dec 27, 2022
diamonds: 0   likess: 0