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Comments (work-in-progress)
@0xAustin - Nov 08, 2023
Short term, this is looking really good :)

Nov. 8, 2023

Haven't bought or sold anything really, but here is the updated portfolio allocation after the recent exciting price action:

Btc: 30%
Eth: 30%
Rune: 11%
DeSo: 6%
Sol: 4.5%
Link: 3.5%
Kuji: 3%
Fxs: 2.5%
Akt: 2.5%
Canto: 2%
Atom: 1.5%
Pendle: 1%
Doge: 1%
Ape: 0.75%
Strd: 0.5%

Major outperformers: Rune, Sol, Link, Kuji. I still have a lot of conviction for these, so going to hold the majority. Will sell about 10% to realize profits and rotate into underperformers.

Major underperformers: Eth, DeSo, Fxs. I still have a lot of conviction around all three of these.

Most everything else has been keeping pace with Btc. I plan to rotate some profits from the major outperformers into Eth, DeSo, and Fxs this month at some point when I get some time. Only selling about 10% of Rune, Sol, Link, Kuji for now.

I'm going to keep updating this throughout the coming 2-3 years to track my progress and thought process.

Less than 10% stables at this point due to recent increase in crypto prices. One more small run up and I'll be taking a small amount of profit to keep at 10% stables.
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@RobertGraham - Nov 08, 2023
I added $TAO to my portfolio a few months back. Strong narrative + strong team. Would love your thoughts.
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@0xAustin - Nov 14, 2023
@RobertGraham ok I’m aping $tao. What’s the best way to buy it?
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@0xAustin - Feb 03, 2024
Up 3x thank you my friend 😂
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@RobertGraham - Nov 14, 2023
Honestly, no great way. I bought on uniswap and the fees were crazy. If you have access to Mexc that’s prob your best bet. Ideally it gets listed on a major exchange soon.
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@0xAustin - Nov 14, 2023
Ohh it's wrapped tao. Crazy it has decent volume and 500m mcap with how difficult it is to access. Kinda bullish...
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@RobertGraham - Nov 14, 2023
Yeah!! Wrapped. Kind of wild with how difficult it is atm. I think there’s a lot of room to run but we will see.
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@0xAustin - Nov 14, 2023
I’ve only done superficial research, but I like the idea. AI narrative is one of the best. Just took some profits from rune, kuji and buying Tao. Looks like mexc is best!
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@RobertGraham - Nov 14, 2023
Definitely one of the strongest narratives moving forward. Big opportunity if they can crack it and they seem to be making consistent progress.
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@0xAustin - Nov 14, 2023
2 hours later, I'm in for 150 $tao. Will likely add to it as I build conviction. What's the best wallet for custody/staking? The official bittensor wallet?
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@RobertGraham - Nov 14, 2023
🫡 Polkadot.js Yes, I use the official wallet and stake with the Opentensor Foundation.
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@0xAustin - Nov 15, 2023
Damn this was a pain! Finally got my 150 $tau staked. Nice little pump since I bought too.
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@RobertGraham - Nov 15, 2023
Yeah, it took me two days to figure out how to stake when I bought, haha. Nice move up though 🤝
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@0xAustin - Nov 15, 2023
I refuse to be the yield. Must get staking rewards. Took me 2 days as well!
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@RobertGraham - Nov 15, 2023
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@0xAustin - Nov 14, 2023
It's an erc20 token? I don't see it listed on coingecko. And why do you not trust bittensor.exchange?
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@RobertGraham - Nov 14, 2023
There’s also the exchange but I didn’t fully trust it. https://bittensor.exchange/
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@0xAustin - Nov 08, 2023
Honestly, I don’t know anything about it. I’ve had it on my list to research for a couple months but never got around to it. Now I feel like price has taken off, and I don’t want to chase! I’ll be watching it though
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@JordanLintz - Sep 25, 2023
2nd last paragraph is major key!!!

That’s the role-out of DeSo to masses
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@ZeroToOne - Sep 24, 2023
Thank you for sharing your portfolio! I believe you'll going to be very successful with your approach.

Best of luck!
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@0xBenE - Sep 24, 2023
Good write up.

I agree, with one exception: publicly traded Web3 / crypto native equity (I.e., Coinbase) will perform on par (or close) with blue chip digital assets from here on.
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@0xAustin - Sep 24, 2023
Thanks! I noted I have pretty large COIN and GLXY positions, and I agree with you. I think they are kinda like a levered bet on the total crypto marketcap. Any other public equities other than those two? I don't like miners
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@0xBenE - Sep 24, 2023
That's it at the moment. We’ll see how some of the mid-to-late stage startups fare this market cycle and graduate to public markets.
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